Fold 'n Go 5-in-1 Trike, 9 months - 5 years
This tricycle grows with your child! The design of this trike is perfect for toddlers just learning how to ride, steer and pedal. Parents will enjoy going for walks with their children – because you can push, guide or just walk along while the child pedals. Not only does the seat adjust in three positions, but it also reclines fully for your child to take a comfortable nap! This trike has a new folding design which makes it easy to take it on the go!
This recliner trike not only helps children learn how to pedal as they grow, but it is also easy for parents to push!
Four stages the trike grows with baby:
Stage 1- Recline (9+ months) Parents have 3 positions to recline the seat
Stage 2-Stroll (9+ months) Parents push and control the trike with the waist bar in place so the child is unable to turn the wheel
Stage 3-Pedal (12+ months) Toddlers can learn how to pedal while parent pushes, but they are unable to steer and turn the wheel
Stage 4-Learn (18+ months) Remove the waist bar so the child can now steer while parent still has control with the push bar
Stage 5-Independent (36+ months) Remove the push bar to let your child pedal and steer on their own with parent supervision
- Unique folding design for easy portability
- Seat reclines in 3 positions
- Parent push handle is adjustable and detachable
- Pedals fold into the tire for space saving
- Parking brake for safety
- 5-point seat harness
- Removable protective safety bar
- Convenient tray with beverage holder
- Adjustable shade canopy
- Canopy is removable
- Storage bag that can be removed
- Padded seat*
- Maximum weight limit: up to 50lbs.
- Assembly Required
Little Tikes Fold 'n Go 5-in-1 Trike Sky Blue, Boy/Girl, Front drive, Upright, Children, Solid wheels, Blue, Gray
Little Tikes Fold 'n Go 5-in-1 Trike Sky Blue. Recommended gender: Boy/Girl, Drive type: Front drive, Product design: Upright. Width: 18.5" (469.9 mm), Depth: 48" (1219.2 mm), Height: 39" (990.6 mm). Package width: 23.3" (590.6 mm), Package depth: 11" (279.4 mm), Package height: 16" (406.4 mm). Quantity per intermodal container (20ft): 378 pc(s), Quantity per intermodal container (40ft): 869 pc(s), Quantity per intermodal container (40ft, HC): 888 pc(s)