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Long product name HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA
The long product name of HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "ShortDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongProductName" tag in JSON.
HP Compaq nx7010 Business Notebook PC
HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA:
The official description of HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA as supplied by the manufacturer. For easy access to this data, refer to the "ProductDescription" block and the "LongDesc" tag in XML or the "Description" block and the "LongDesc" tag in JSON.
Providing the optimum balance of price and performance, this range of notebooks delivers the best value and latest technology, at an affordable price.Meets business challenges by combining state of the art 15.4-inch widescreen technology, Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional and Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology – all at an affordable price.
Short summary description HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA:
This short summary of the HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA
Long summary description HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA:
This is an auto-generated long summary of HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
HP Compaq nx7010 P-M 1,7Ghz CENTRINO 40GB DVD/CD-RW BT WLAN 2x256MB XPP 15,4-inch WXGA